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Short Form Covenant Not To Sue


I, [Name of Covenantor], of [Address of Covenantor], for myself and for my heirs, legal representatives and assigns, in consideration of the sum of $ [Amount paid] Dollars to me paid by [Name of Covenantee] "Covenantee", receipt of which is acknowledged, covenant with [Name of Covenantee], of [Address of Covenantee], [his or her] heirs, legal representatives and assigns, to never institute any suit or action at law or in equity against [Name of Covenantee] by reason of any claim I now have or may hereafter acquire relating to an accident that occurred on [Date of Accident], at or near [Place of Accident], involving [Parties involved in the Accident].

In executing this covenant, I expressly reserve any and all rights, causes of action, claims and demands against any person, firm or corporation other than covenantee.

Executed at [Designate place of execution] on [Date executed].

Signature Date

(Attach statement of attorney, if desired.)